How to create Blacklightning Telegram Userbot



How to Deploy Black Lightning Userbot ..

 Deploy your own Black Lightning with the help of given    tutorial......

All Steps are given below 
Note: Only those steps are shown which is required..
1. Open {} in your browser and login with your mobile number  and the go to API Development tool and fill the requirements, then you will directly enter to your app information copy the APP ID and API HASH from there. 
2. Now open { } and sign up here ... 
3. Now open [ ] .

  Here fill any name for your app which you want and no need to change your country from U.S.A.

Fill any custom message you want or skip this step.

Here fill the APP HASH which you copied from ( ).

Here fill the APP ID which you copied from ( ).
If  you want to change
CUSTOM_PMPERMIT edit it otherwise leave as it is and no need to edit ENV.

 Here  fill your api key of heroku, so open ( ) in new tab and scrlol down and you will get your api key reveal it and the  paste it there.

 Here fill your app name which fill in step 4.

Now make a private group in telegram and add fill it's id in these columns (all the three columns which is shown in image) and you will get the id of the group by adding Rose bot (username - @MissRose_bot) and type /id the group you will get the id .

Again fill same group id in these 2 columns..

Fill the string session here and you generate the string session from              

Now make a bot from @botfather and then fill it's token and username in the columns which is shown in the above image.

If you have any group or channel which you want to show through your userbot so fill their username here otherwise leave as it is.

Now fill your time zone and if you are Indian so fill Asia/Kolkata .
17. Now click on the deploy app button and wait for sometime, then make click on the manage apps.
Now click on the Resources ( Note: If you are mobile user so you see another interface so click on the second icon


Now click on edit button or pen button  then turn on the dynos then click on confirm. Wait for 2 or 3 minutes and your bot will start working . To check your bot type any command [i.e. {.ping} or {.alive}]

Thank You For reading this article and  for any help join @blacklightningot .



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